Administrator at Trademark Eagle since November 2020. My job involves updating records on the system, sending clients updates regarding their trademark, sending registration certificates, and other administrative duties. I have over twenty-seven years’ experience in administrative roles in the IT and service sector. Degree educated. I believe in giving the highest standard of customer service possible.
What is your favourite hobby?
Watching footie, and reading factual books about history, astronomy, dinosaurs, etc
Do you have any pets?
Two cats, Oliver, a boy all grey cat, Billie a 17-year-old black and white moggie. One dog, Ralphy, a 16-year-old Yorkie.
What is your favourite music?
80/90s music
Are you a die-hard fan of a sports team?
Have you met anyone famous?
Worked with cousin of Baby Spice and the son of James Galway. Even more tenuous, my sisterโs primary school teacher once taught George Michael.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
Istanbul – enjoyed the history, food and watching Arsenal win.
Whatโs your favourite movie?
At the moment, FURY. Also liked the Hobbit films.