Continuing to Deliver Expert UK-Based Trademark Services

At Trademark Eagle, we take pride in being a trusted, UK-based trademark firm, providing expert support to protect your valuable brands. Over the years, weโ€™ve built a reputation for delivering exceptional service with a personal touch, ensuring every client works directly with our experienced, UK-based team of trademark professionals.

We’re Adjusting Our Prices

For the past three years, weโ€™ve kept our prices steady, despite rising business costs. This decision was driven by our commitment to providing excellent value and supporting businesses of all sizes. However, as costs continue to increase, we must now adjust our pricing to ensure we can sustain the high-quality service youโ€™ve come to expect.

From 1st January 2025, there will be a slight increase in our charges. This adjustment reflects our dedication to maintaining our standards while investing in resources, training, and technology to serve you better.

The Trademark Eagle Difference

Weโ€™re proud to be a UK-based company, and all our staff are located right here in the UK. This means that when you contact Trademark Eagle, youโ€™ll always speak with a local trademark expert who understands the nuances of UK trademark law and your business environment.

Unlike automated systems or offshore providers, we believe in providing a human touch. Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way, offering bespoke advice tailored to your specific needs.

Looking Ahead

We are continuing our business ethos of being at the forefront of providing exceptional trademark services at affordable prices. We are dedicated to improving our services while remaining your go-to partner for trademark protection. Weโ€™re grateful for the trust and loyalty of our clients and look forward to helping you secure your trademarks for years to come.

If you have any questions about the upcoming changes, our team is happy to help. Contact us today to discuss how Trademark Eagle can continue to support your brandโ€™s growth and protection.

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Important Update on Our Pricing
At Trademark Eagle, we are committed to providing exceptional trademark services at competitive prices. Despite rising business costs, we have maintained our prices for the past three years. However, to continue delivering the high-quality service our clients expect, we have made the decision to make a small increase in our prices starting from 1st January 2025.

We value your trust and understanding, and we remain dedicated to supporting you with expert trademark solutions. For any questions or further information, please don't hesitate to contact and book a call below to secure 2024 pricing.

Important Update on Our Pricing
At Trademark Eagle, we are committed to providing exceptional trademark services at competitive prices. Despite rising business costs, we have maintained our prices for the past three years. However, to continue delivering the high-quality service our clients expect, we have made the decision to make a small increase in our prices starting from 1st January 2025.

We value your trust and understanding, and we remain dedicated to supporting you with expert trademark solutions. For any questions or further information, please don't hesitate to contact and book a call below to secure 2024 pricing.