Trademark Classes
What are Trademark Classes?
Trademarks are categorised according to the products or services which they cover. There are 45 recognised trade mark classes, including every possible product or service imaginable. Because of this, the trademark classes are extremely complex and have to be continually updated and amended. It is therefore essential to ensure that the database you use to register your trademark is official and up to date. Trademark Eagle is officially supplied with up to date information from both the UK’s Intellectual Property Office and the Community Trademark Registry (OHIM), and its software is continuously updated to ensure that it always remains current.
Success Rate *
*% success rate of filed registrations November 2023 - December 2024
4.92 Average 300 Reviews
Relationship between classes
Trade marks must be filed in one or more of the 45 ‘classes’. Of these trademark classes, 34 are for goods and 11 for services. Each class represents a group of products / services that are considered to be in the same areas of trade. It is important to note that many classes relate to each other. For example, a fashion brand may want trademark protection in clothing, but it may also be valuable to get protection the class which covers handbags. Trademark Eaglesโ searches contain all these cross classes to ensure the best trademark security.
Whilst each class ostensibly includes groups of similar products and services, the groupings are often non-intuitive and difficult to understand. Trademark Eagle has simplified this process, making trade mark registrations as easy as possible to navigate. Unlike some online services, Trademark Eagle will also manually check your application prior to filing, thereby ensuring that it covers the appropriate trademark classes for your business.
Trademark Registration Fees
The trademark registration fees that you pay for your application reflect the number of trademark classes in which you want to register your trademark. The more classes that are registered, then the wider the protection provided to your brand.
When it comes to trade mark classes then, Trademark Eagle:
- Ensures the trademark class database comes from official sources
- Ensures the trademark class database is up to date and current
- Manually checks your application to ensure the appropriate classes are selected.
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